Family Albums

I make family albums every year. If I didn’t have the project and deadline and a commitment to others I might not take the time to find, finish, and print the best images. Without identifying the use for them, I might not make many of the images. Now we have a useful a family record. How important is this? I hear these kinds of things are the things people take with them first if they have to evacuate their houses in a disaster.
One of the keys to the success of any project is to make it easy and fun to do. Make it easy to make the images. I use a point and shoot that’s always nearby. Make it easy to store. I’ve got one place I keep all the material that I organize as it accumulates. Make it easy to process. I use many automation features such as Lightroom’s Export function and Photoshop’s Actions and Image Processor to get the job done fast. Make it easy to produce. Lightroom generates contact sheets in seconds. Blurb makes putting books together a matter of hours not days or weeks; they can even deliver the books to family members.
These days, I imagine some people have online family albums.
What’s your family album like?
Check out Blurb here.
Check out my Creativity workshops here.


  • todd

    23.04.2009 at 12:06 Reply

    the area I struggle in is organization of my images on import with regard to family mixing with project images. Onerous to manually sort those and move them particularly when I prefer 2 aperture library’s (personal, professional).

  • johnpaulcaponigro

    23.04.2009 at 13:17 Reply

    I keep them separate. 2 Lightroom Libraries. It’s easier to sort on creation/ingestion than later, where you first have to find. Plus I can’t keep all my Raw files on portable drives. I keep the family pictures portable, so I can work easily at night or on weekends.

  • dougeng

    29.04.2009 at 09:04 Reply

    jp – we’ve been doing the tacky family photo collage holiday insert for the past 20 years. Having all of these in a binder is like a contact sheet of your life. It’s really fun to see how the kids grow up. One of our relatives told us they saved every one.

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