Gallery Contract

Sign a contract with anyone who exhibits your artwork.
Putting verbal agreements in writing produces something tangible that all parties can refer to if memory fails – and it will. You and your representatives need a contract to work professionally together. If someone is unwilling to put something in writing, they’re not likely to honor it. Contracts are not about taking people to court; when they work best they keep you out of court.
Below is the contract my lawyer wrote for me. He’s graciously agreed to let me share it with you.
Change this basic contract to reflect the specific nature of your agreement with the agents or agencies who represent your work.
Don’t change clause 2. This key clause changes the nature of the consignment agreement. If the entity (individual or business) doesn’t reimburse you for sales or return your work you’ll be able to involve local law enforcement agents more easily. I’ve only had to do this once. So far, I’ve always been paid for sales of my work and I’ve always had my artwork returned. Many artist’s can’t say the same.
Do include a termination clause. Contracts should be revisited periodically – I recommend annually – to confirm that the nature of a relationship has remained the same. If it has evolved, change the contract to reflect that evolution.
Find more business resources for artists here.
Read more to see the contract I use … Read More