Magically Change The Proportion Of Your Photographs With The App 'Liquid Scale'

You can use the app Liquid Scale to distort the frame of an image without distorting key elements in it. Like Adobe Photoshop’s Content Aware Scale, this software identifies image elements that are most likely to be more important than others and distorts other areas, typically areas that are smooth or randomly textured. There are limits to how far you can go before less distorted image elements begin to look unnatural, which are largely image dependent. In some cases, you can go so far as to convincingly turn a vertical image into a horizontal image. It’s magic.
This app will do more than change your images, it will change the way you see.
Read more and see more on The Huffington Post.
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9 Essential Photo Editing iPhone Apps

Finding it hard to choose between so many photo editing iPhone apps? Here’s my short list of essential photo editing apps. Get these ten apps and it’s likely you’ll only buy other apps for specialized effects or participating in specific social networks.
Snapseed, PhotoForge 2, Pro HDR, Auto Stitch Panorama, Liquid Scale, iResize, Photo Fixer, TiltShift, Image Blender
Read my full review on The Huffington Post.