• cemalekin

    06.10.2009 at 09:43 Reply

    John, this is far too gimmicky with an unsatisfying viewing experience that takes me to a different site. I would have expected minimally, to see a larger image presented right there and then, a click taking me back to the image cloud. This approach seems to be a derivative of “Simple Viewer/Tilt Viewer” which provides a more satisfying viewing experience. There are even more options I am sure, than taking the visitor to flickr to show a medium-size image.

  • johnpaulcaponigro

    06.10.2009 at 14:37 Reply

    There are a lot of things I’d like to see improved about this interface, but the concept is powerful enough to overcome them.
    I thought the Flickr connection was a downside. But then given how powerful social networks have become I reconsidered this. I think it’s one more way of connecting and sharing.
    So all in all, I find this innovative – and I look forward to seeing it evolve.

  • cemalekin

    07.10.2009 at 12:15 Reply

    There are also WordPress plugins that will get the image content from flikr and seamlessly present them in your blog without taking the visitors there. And if you are willing to post a little larger photos then the experience will improve significantly. How you integrate the cloud with yhese other plugins is another issue.

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