What’s Unique About B&W


Learn what’s unique about black & white and how to best adjust and print it.

Read more in my Black & White lessons.
Learn more in my digital photography and digital printing workshops.

Janine Benyus Shares Nature's Designs

Looking for a little hope? How about a lot!
Want one big idea that might change your world?
Here’s one.
Life that survives creates conditions for more life.
Janine Benyus shows us how.
And she gives us 12 more big ideas.


James Cameron’s Avatar. Stunning special effects. Green message celebrating cultural diversity. Critique of western expansion and materialism. Resolution through violence leaves you with lots of troubling questions relevant to our world today.
Want a more sophisticated anthropological exploration? See Wade Davis below.

Wade Davis on Endangered Cultures

Cultures are disappearing at a rapid rate. Of the 6000 languages spoken today only half will be passed on to the next generation. Cultures are the rainforests of civilization. They show us the full spectrum of what it means to be human and how richly diverse human experience can be. No one makes this point better than Wade Davis.
I highly recommend his book Shadows in the Sun.
Find his books here.