Creativity Meets Technology – A Conversation On PBS


What role does technology play in creating art? Do works created by artificial intelligence meet the definition of art? Keystone Edition: Arts asks artists about the tools they use and if there should be limits to human-machine collaboration when it comes to creativity.

Erika Funke (PBS WVIA), Richard Rinehardt (Director Samek Art Museum, coauthor of RE-COLLECTION), and I share ideas on creativity, technology, and archiving.

Vision & Photography – BBC Explorations – Part 3

“So much of our world is invisible to us. Its secrets locked in time and space. But alter that time and space and the once invisible world suddenly becomes visible. ??Using a fast flashing artificial light or a strobe light, its possible to freeze minute moments of time, and even the fastest moving objects. ??One of the pioneers in the use of strobe lighting in photography was Professor Harold Edgerton. Developing the technology to look at our world in different and startling ways has been one of the greatest achievements of human endeavour. The latest development in photography is also one of the most amazing. Its called Time Slice. ??Time slice, invented by Tim Macmillan, freezes a single moment in time and lets us view it in three dimensions.”

Vision & Photography – BBC Explorations – Part 2

“Our eyes play tricks on us. And all around us there exist in the natural world some of the most extraordinary optical illusions. One creature resembles its background so closely its been given the same name, the stick insect. Scientists have learnt a lot from natures optical illusions. Soldiers regularly use camouflage to blend into their background and now human ingenuity has taken camouflage to its logical next step. Soon well be able to make a man completely invisible. Electrically conducting cloth covered in light sensitive sensors sees what’s behind the soldier and projects it onto the front of a suit. Will the invisible man of science fiction soon become science fact?”

Vision & Photography – BBC Explorations – Part I

“Explorations charts the advances in science and technology that have revealed hidden worlds and astonishing images. Well see how remarkable innovations in medicine, photography and astronomy have enhanced and altered our understanding. This is the story of how Mankind is driven to acquire these seemingly impossible visions; it is a journey through the images that have revolutionised how we understand our world.”

Humanized Technology – Paola Antonelli

“Paola Antonelli, MoMA’s curator of Architecture and Design, provides insights into where design is headed both as a creative discipline and as a tool for making sense of the world. In this interview, she talks about the vision behind her upcoming exhibit at MoMA, Talk To Me, “We may not think about it consciously on a day to day basis, but objects around us are always talking to us in both explicit and implicit ways. There’s the obvious directive of a stop sign or a traffic cone, but there’s also the unspoken messaging conveyed via the ATM machine, the alarm clock, and that shiny new iPad. Objects have always been designed with the idea of communicating their use and meaning in mind, and it’s this relationship that MoMA’s Senior Curator of Architecture and Design, Paola Antonelli, seeks to explore in her upcoming exhibition, Talk to Me, slated for summer of 2011.”
Learn more about Talk to Me here.