New Images – Exhalation XXII & XXIII

Every year I take an extended period of time to make new images.
These two images came through last night.
They’re part of my series Exhalation.
They’ll soon to be collected in a new Blurb book, portfolio, and exhibit.
Formally they explore giving symmetry a twist and white.
Thematically they suggest that the whole of nature can be seen as being alive.
The two source images are of Antarctic clouds and icebergs on the horizon.
Read more to see the source files …

Find more images here.
Find my books here.
Find out about my Antarctica digital photography workshops here.


  • jerry grasso

    02.02.2011 at 13:02

    Hi JP,
    I enjoy the symbolic and symmetricality of both images. The first one reminds me of a yin/yang thing; or good vs evil; a sense of tension. The second one feels more positive;a sense of dividing or separating the evil by good. Very thought provoking!

  • bamyva

    02.02.2011 at 23:10

    The second image:
    Impacted by it!
    Quickly brought these words that the image represented to me:
    depth, veils, ephemerality, temporality, passing……but at the same time a strong implication of resurgence, reawakening, reemergence and regeneration with an emphasis on the “re”!
    Thought I would share……….

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