Getting Started with Blurb BookSmart

You won’t believe how easy Getting Started with Blurb BookSmart (2:12) is. If you’ve ever made a book traditionally you’ll be amazed. If you haven’t you may be tempted to take this new found ease for granted. The mechanics of making a book has never been easier. The art of making a book (editing, sequencing, designing, etc) has never been more important.
Learn more in my online Bookmaking Lessons.
Learn more in my Fine Art Digital Printing Workshops.

When To Use Virtual Copies and Snapshots in Lightroom – Julianne Kost

Julieanne breaks down the differences and points out the advantages of using virtual copies and snapshots in Lightroom 3. Since both features were designed for specific tasks, discovering what they do best will allow you to take advantage of each of their strengths.
Find more Adobe online training here.
Learn from Julianne live before our 2011 Iceland workshops.
Learn more in my digital photography workshops.

Single or Multiple Catalogs in Lightroom ?

Adobe Evangelist Julieanne Kost answers one of the most commonly asked questions “If should you use a single catalog for all of your photographs or if you should you use multiple catalogs?”. As a general rule, she recommends that you use as few as possible, but discusses when using multiple could be beneficial.
Find more Adobe online training here.
Learn from Julianne live before our 2011 Iceland workshops.
Learn more in my digital photography workshops.