Disclosure – Images Based on Elements from Antarctica

These images use elements drawn from Antarctica but are intended to be seen as universal rather than location specific.
I’ve produced many highly altered images from material shot in Antarctica, but I don’t present them with images from my body of work entitled Antarctica. I also don’t title them Antarctica. Antarctica is the first body of work I’ve produced that uses classic place and date titles. That type of title doesn’t adequately describe a majority of images I make. So, most of my images are titled with a series name, usually describing a process not a thing, and an order of creation number.
Get priority status in my Antarctica 2011 workshop.
Email info@johnpaulcaponigro.com.

Antarctica 2009

“There is a profound sense of privilege that comes from being in the presence of such rare beauty. It touches you deeply. Witness to the extraordinary, you leave changed – for the better. It’s a blessing born of grace and giving birth to more grace. It’s as if you’ve been given a gift and you feel compelled to keep giving it.”
Read about the highlights from three voyages to Antarctica.
Each voyage was very different from the other, even though we returned to some of the same locations.
Get priority status in my Antarctica 2011 workshop.
Email info@johnpaulcaponigro.com.