How To Combine Focussed & Defocussed Images Using Photoshop

In & Out-Of-Focus Mixed


Combining in and out-of-focus images with Photoshop is a simple matter of placing tow versions of the same image on separate layers.

If you’re simulating an out-of-focus image using blur filters in Photoshop this takes one step. Use the Layers menu and select Duplicate Layer or in the Layers palette drag the layer to the Create a new layer icon ( + ). The two layers will be perfectly registered. The top layer is ready for blurring.

If you’re combing separate exposures of the same image that are in and out-of-focus add a couple more easy steps.

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1 Comment

  • Ed Schlotzhauer

    08.02.2022 at 00:02 Reply

    A good reminder. I use blur consciously sometimes in my images.

    My reaction, though, is that if used too heavily it becomes an affected technique, like HDR was at first.

    Thank you for your great articles.

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