The Only Way to Steal Photoshop Color Grading That Works 100% Of The Time

“Easily copy color grading styles using ‘Common Sense’ in Photoshop! Learn how to logically approach color matching using several techniques and create your own steps that get the best results based on your image and what you wish to achieve.”

The Most Natural Way to Increase Saturation and Enhance Color in Photoshop

“Make the Colors Pop Naturally in Seconds! Using a Selective Color adjustment layer in Photoshop, increase saturation without any color banding or the colors clipping.”

How To Fix Red Faces In Your Photographs Using Photoshop

Learn how the pros remove red from faces. We’ll go beyond the standard technique of Hue/Saturation and will also take a look at why a lot of images from the internet always have red faces. In the process, you’ll learn how to isolate colors using Hue/Saturation, how to paint with color and how to perform basic color shifts using curves. You’ll learn a bunch that will be applicable even if you never run across skin tones that needs fixing.

Check out more of Ben Wilmore’s Digital Mastery here.

Learn more in my digital photography and digital printing workshops.

3 Color Tweaks To Improve Image Blur’s Depth Of Field


background color adjusted

background color adjusted plus detail blurred

The principles of atmospheric perspective can be used to enhance the illusion depth in two-dimensional images. The three elements of color each encode space. Some colors rise forward – light, warm, saturated. Some colors recede – dark, cool, desaturated. When applied strategically and selectively, they can produce powerful visual effects, making your images appear even more realistic. 

You can combine these tendencies (They’re not absolute rules and can all be reversed in the right contexts.) with selective blur to make the illusion of space in your images even more powerfully felt.

Photoshop’s Depth Blur neural filter offers sliders to make it quick and easy to make these kinds of color adjustments and make blurring effects more powerfully felt. 

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Make Your Color Grading LUTs More Powerful With This Hidden Photoshop Trick

“Colin Smith shows a cool hack to split LUTS into color and tone, so you have more control over them than normal. Color grade your photos in photoshop and change the color or brightness of the presets.”

6 Reasons You Need Photoshop’s Selective Color




Tints with less black


Shades with more black

Either it’s because it’s old school (It’s one of the first tools introduced in Photoshop.) or because it’s subtle (And it’s wonderfully precise.) or because it’s misunderstood (Is this really an issue with CMYK?), Selective Color is one of the most overlooked color adjustment tools in Photoshop. But I consider it an essential tool.

Photoshop’s Selective Color image adjustment feature is great for two things.  First, it’s great for cleaning color casts selectively out of highlights, shadows, neutrals - or for adjusting specific ranges of colors with great precision. Second, it’s great for turning colors into pastels, either lighter or darker, which can soften a palette exquisitely.

Here are six reasons to use Selective Color.

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Enhancing the Light – Julianne Kost

“Julieanne Kost demonstrates what you can do in Lightroom’s Develop module to enhance your photographs using color and tonality to change the mood and atmosphere of an image. We all know that the goal is to capture the best photograph in-camera, but what happens when we aren’t at the right place at the right time? In this training video, I will show you how to make subtle changes to increase the photograph’s emotional impact.”
For more check out Julieanne’s blog.
Read more in my Color Adjustment resources.
Learn more in my digital photography and digital printing workshops.