20 Quotes By Photographer Weegee

Here’s a collection of quotes by the inimitable photographer Weegee.
“My name is Weegee. I’m the world’s greatest photographer…” – Weegee
“I am a perfectionist. When I take a picture…it’s gotta be good.” – Weegee
“Weegee often said that he was, ‘A natural-born photographer, with hypo in my blood.” – Weegee
“Sure. I’d like to live regular. Go home to a good looking wife, a hot dinner, and a husky kid. But I guess I got film in my blood. I love this racket. It’s exciting. It’s dangerous. It’s funny. It’s tough. It’s heartbreaking.” – Weegee
“It’s been a strange [summer]…. I was sent by a magazine to photograph famous photographers…. Of course, I included myself.” – Weegee
“A good assignment to me is a good picture and a date. When I leave town I put a tablet in front of the girl’s house (as with George Washington): Weegee slept here.” – Weegee
“I’m no part time dilettante photographer, unlike the bartenders, shoe salesmen, floorwalkers plumbers, barbers, grocery clerks and chiropractors whose great hobby is their camera. All their friends rave about what wonderful pictures they take. If they’re so good, why don’t they take pictures full—time, for a living, and make floor walking, chiropractics, etc., their hobby? But everyone wants to play it safe. They’re afraid to give up their pay checks and their security they might miss a meal.” – Weegee
“If I had a picture of two handcuffed criminals being booked, I would cut the picture in half and get five bucks for each.” – Weegee
“To me a photograph is a page from life, and that being the case, it must be real.” – Weegee
“Many photographers live in a dream world of beautiful backgrounds. It wouldn’t hurt them to get a taste of reality to wake them up.” – Weegee
“Anyone who looks for life can find it… and they don’t need to photograph ashcans. The average camera fan reminds me of Pollyanna, with a lollypop in one hand and a camera in the other. You can’t be a Nice Nelly and take news pictures.” – Weegee
“There are photographic fanatics, just as there are religious fanatics. They buy a so-called candid camera… there is no such thing: it’s the photographer who has to be candid, not the camera.” – Weegee
“I had so many unsold murder pictures lying around my room…I felt as if I were renting out a wing of the City Morgue.” – Weegee
“I have no chips on my shoulder. I like to be constructive. As I have said, I have inspired many persons to take up photography. As a matter of fact, I inspire myself. (When I take a good picture I give myself a bonus.).” – Weegee
“So, keep your eyes open. If you see anything, take it. Remember – you’re as good as your last picture. One day you’re hero, the next day you’re a bum…” – Weegee
“News photography teaches you to think fast.” – Weegee
“To me, pictures are like blintzes – ya gotta get ‘em while they’re hot.” – Weegee
“When you find yourself beginning to feel a bond between yourself and the people you photograph, when you laugh and cry with their laughter and tears, you will know you are on the right track.” – Weegee
“People are so wonderful that a photographer has only to wait for that breathless moment to capture what he wants on film.” – Weegee
“What I did, anybody can do.” – Weegee
Read more Quotes By Photographers here.

David Hockney – Joiners – Documentary

English painter, draughtsman, printmaker, stage designer and photographer. David Hockney has at the forefront of issues of representation in art for decades. His photo-collages (“joiners”) have become iconic while his theories of the use of technology in advancing the practices of representation throughout the history of western art are provocative and controversial.

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