NAPP Lightroom 3 Learning Center Updated

NAPP’s Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Learning Center has been updated.
New content highlights the latest features in the version shipping now.
Whether you’re using Lightroom for the first time or simply upgrading, this fabulous resource will help you make the transition smoothly.
Free online videos include …
1    The New Import
2    Tethered Shooting
3    Flickr Publishing
4    Watermarking
5    Better Noise Reduction
6    Lens Correction
7    Improved Vignettes
8    New Process Version
9    Overall Develop
10    New Grain Effect
11    Slideshow Improvements
Plus you’ll find lots of links to other great resources.
Visit NAPP’s Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Learning Center here.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Ships

Adobe announced Lightroom 3 today !
It’s a major upgrade. If you’re using Lightroom 2 don’t even think about not upgrading. If you’re not using Lightroom, think about it – seriously.
The shipping version has new features not available in the public beta version. (Automated Lens Correction is the big one.)
Price $299 new / $99 upgrade.
Learn more in a free webinar by Julianne Kost – Thursday, July 15, 2010 10:00 am PDT. Professional Photographer Workflow – Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.
Learn more at here.
Read Adobe’s press release here … Read More

Wired Magazine Digital Version – Now On iPad

This sets the standard for the future of magazines.
Wired magazine has released its iPad edition in the Apple iStore (converted by Adobe from Flash to Apple approved Objective-C).
The June iPad edition of Wired costs $4.99.
The App is a 527MB download.
It’s intended for ages 17 and up. (Note the terms of agreement when you download it.)
Chris Anderson, editor in chief of Wired, says this is what he has always dreamed of. “It has all of the visual impact of paper, enhanced by interactive elements like video and animated graphics.” “We can offer you a history of Mars landings that lets you explore the red planet yourself. We can take you inside Trent Reznor’s recording studio and let you listen to snippets of his work in progress. And we can show you exactly how Pixar rafted each frame of its new movie, Toy Story 3.”
Wired released a video showing off the features of the new digital magazine. (View above.)(The video is encoded in Adobe Flash thus unplayable on the iPad.)
Apple Insider has more on the inside story on how Wired was impacted by Apple’s decision not to support Adobe’s Flash.
Find more on the App and it’s features on