Find More Inspiration & Deeper Value From Your Artistic Influences


Ways Of Working With Influence


Why Tracking Your Influences Is So Important

The 5 Benefits Of Looking At Other Artist’s Works

State The Nature Of The Influence On You Simply – One Word, Phrase, Sentence

Rank Your Influences

Make A Timeline Of Your Artistic Influences | Coming

How To Deepen Your Relationship With Influences Over Time | Coming

What Was The First Photograph That Ignited Your Passion For Photography? | Coming

What Single Photograph Would You Keep? | Coming

Gather Your Favorite Images Together | Coming

A Combination Of __ & __   | Coming

Why It’s Important To Seek More Influences | Coming

100 Great Photographers To Know | Coming

If You Like ___ Look At ____ | Coming

6 Ways To Map Your Artistic Influences | Coming

The 5 Benefits Of Cultivating Influences Outside Your Medium | Coming

How To Create Something New By Combining Your Influences | Coming

Learning From Negative Influences | Coming

How To Overcome The Fear Of Being Influenced | Coming

How To Make Influences Your Own | Coming


My Influences – Photographic


My Top 5 Photographic Influences

Ansel Adams – Empowering Others

Edward Burtynsky – Manufactured Landscapes

Paul Caponigro – Metaphor

Walter Chapelle – More Than Material

Adam Fuss – Visible Traces

Richard Misrach – A Life’s Work

Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison – Environmental Metaphors

Eliot Porter – Environmental Advocacy Through The Arts

Aaron Siskind – Literally Abstract

Jerry Uelsmann – Visions From The Mind’s Eye

Joel-Peter Witkin – Looking Into Darkness

Four Nudes By Four Photographers

Top 20 Photography Books That Influenced Me


My Influences


Mark Rothko – Color As A Universal Language

Matthais Grunewald – Acknowledging The Beatific & The Demonic

Andy Goldsworthy – Ephemeral Collaborations With Nature


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